Night Prague (view from ...)

Quarter: Lesser Town Theme: Puzzles

I find the right picture for puzzle.

Today is the question a little different, I did not ask what can you see on the photograph – it is St. Nicholas Church on the right, Charles Bridge with Bridge Towers on the left and Lesser quarter and Old Town around.

The question is:
From where it was taken?

Prague night atmosphere makes it slightly difficult so here are options:

A) from Petrin lookout tower
B) from funicular to Petrin
C) from Prague Castle

Posted: Praha, Jan 9, 13:28 by Czech-man.

« St. Vitus Cathedral (Chrám Svatého Víta) | St. George's Basilica at Prague Castle (Bazilika Svatého Jiří) »


  1. Prague castle definitely, Petrin (and the tower) are much more on the right side from Charles Bridge.

    Strogoff    Jan 24, 07:52    #

  2. And the winer is … Strogoff.

    Yes, you are right, the picture was taken from Prague Castle.

    Czech-man    Feb 5, 22:49    #

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